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How To Do Leg Curls Without A Machine

Leg Curls might be the perfect exercise for working on your upper thighs (quadriceps) and calves. Even though it might not look like much, but this classic exercise can be a serious powerhouse for working on your lower body and bringing up those muscle groups – just ask Arnold Schwarzenegger!

 How to do a lying leg curl

Lying leg curls are a great exercise for the hamstrings. It’s also one of the simplest hamstring exercises you can do.

The lying leg curl is very easy to perform and can be done with just a barbell and some plates.

The exercise consists of lying face down on an exercise bench with your hips on top of the bench, your legs hanging over the end, and your feet placed firmly against a plate that’s secured to the floor or to another stationary object.

From this position, slowly raise one leg until it’s pointing straight up in the air. Hold this position for a second or two before slowly lowering it back down again. Repeat this movement with your other leg as well.

You can choose to perform this exercise by curling one leg at a time or by curling both legs simultaneously (which is known as double-leg lying leg curls).

 How to do a seated leg curl

Leg curls are an essential part of any leg training routine. They are an excellent exercise for targeting the hamstrings and glutes, as well as the calves.

The most common way to perform leg curls is on a seated leg curl machine. However, leg curls can also be performed using a barbell or dumbbells. This article will explain how to do a seated leg curl with or without a machine.

Step 1: Sit on the seat of the machine with your knees bent at 90 degrees, feet flat on the platform and toes pointed forward. Position your shoulders under the chest pad and grasp handles firmly with both hands.

Step 2: Lift your feet off the platform and extend your legs until they are fully straightened (without locking them). Slowly bring your legs back in towards your body until they are bent at about 90 degrees but not touching your torso. Repeat for 8-12 reps before resting briefly and repeating again for 3 sets total (1 set = 8-12 reps).

 How to do a stability ball leg curl

Use a stability ball and a dumbbell (or two) to perform this exercise.

The stability ball leg curl is an advanced exercise that works your hamstrings, glutes and lower back. It also strengthens your core and builds balance.

It’s important to use proper form when doing the stability ball leg curl so you don’t injure yourself. If you’ve never done this exercise before or have knee issues, ask a trainer or doctor before trying it out.

Start by sitting on top of the ball with your feet flat on the floor in front of you for support. Place one foot on top of the other behind you for support as well. Depending on how much weight you’re using, you may need to hold onto something for balance at first until you get used to this movement pattern.

Lean back slightly so your arms are behind you and hold onto a dumbbell with both hands next to each other in front of your thighs (A). Slowly lift both legs straight up toward the ceiling while inhaling (B).

 How to do a standing leg curl

Leg curls are an important exercise for building up the hamstrings and lower back. Leg curls are commonly performed on a leg curl machine, but can also be done using just your bodyweight. Here’s how to do a standing leg curl without any equipment.

Stand with your back straight and your feet hip-width apart. Hold onto something sturdy if you need more stability.

Bend both knees and lower yourself toward the floor as far as you can go without feeling pain in your lower back or hamstrings. Pause, then return to starting position.

The following steps will show you how to do a standing leg curl:

1. Position yourself at the end of the leg curl machine with your feet on the foot pads and your hands grasping the handles.

2. With your back straight and chest out, slowly bend at the knees until your legs are parallel to the floor, then return to your starting position without locking out your knees (i.e., keep them bent at 90 degrees).

3. Repeat for reps on each side before switching sides again.


Performing leg curls without a machine can be tricky, but it is possible with the alternative exercises provided here. It is also possible to do more repetitions than before due to less leverage used by the other muscles in the leg and lower back when not using the machine.