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How to Make Protein Noodles

Noodle making is a controversial and often misunderstood topic, especially in the world of bodybuilding and other health communities. There are many claims that these noodles are unhealthy and can possibly damage your body when eaten. Making your own homemade protein noodles is a valuable skill to have. When the zombie apocalypse or a sci-fi alien invasion comes, you’ll appreciate having an adequate supply of high-quality food for survival.

 Purchase low-carb/high-protein pasta or protein noodles.

If you’re looking for a low-carb diet, or if you’re just trying to cut back on carbs, making your own protein noodles will help you save money and eat healthier.

Protein noodles are made from a variety of ingredients, including eggs, cheese, nuts and seeds. They can be used in place of traditional pasta in virtually any dish.

Low-carbohydrate pasta is available in most grocery stores, but it’s more expensive than regular pasta. You can also make your own low-carbohydrate pasta by replacing some of the flour with ground flaxseed meal.

Here are some tips for making your own protein noodles:

 Cook the noodles in boiling water for about 5 to 10 minutes.

Making pasta from scratch is quite possibly the most satisfying thing you can do in the kitchen. It’s also incredibly easy and fun to do, and it’s a great way to impress friends and family.

There are several ways to make pasta dough. You can follow a recipe or simply mix flour, water and salt together by hand. The best method for making pasta at home is to use a mixer with a dough hook attachment, but if you don’t have one, feel free to use your hands instead!

Once the noodles are cooked, they’ll be ready to eat right away or freeze for future meals. To freeze them, spread them out on a baking sheet so they don’t stick together, then place them in freezer bags and store them until needed.

 Drain the noodles thoroughly so that all of the excess water is removed.

Shred the zucchini using a food processor or hand shredder. It doesn’t have to be super fine, but do make sure there are no large chunks of zucchini left.

Combine the shredded zucchini with the egg whites and egg yolk in a large bowl. Mix well until all ingredients are evenly distributed.

In another large bowl, combine the ground chicken, onion powder, garlic powder and salt. Mix well until everything is evenly combined.

Heat a large skillet over medium-high heat with 2 tablespoons of olive oil to coat the bottom of the pan. Once hot, add half of your shredded zucchini mixture to the pan and spread it out evenly so that it covers as much surface area as possible.

Cook for 3 minutes before flipping it over and cooking on the other side for another 3 minutes until browned on both sides and cooked through (no longer squishy). Set aside on a plate while you cook your second batch (if necessary).

 Let the noodles cool before placing them in a sealed container.

You can make protein noodles by purchasing low-carb/high-protein pasta and cooking it appropriately.

There are a few ways to make protein noodles. You can purchase low-carb/high-protein pasta and cook it appropriately. This will result in a noodle that is similar in size and texture to regular pasta.

You can also use zucchini or squash as the base for your noodles. You can slice them thinly and sauté them with butter or olive oil until they are tender, then add some salt and pepper (and maybe some garlic). You can also add other veggies like mushrooms or bell peppers if you want more flavor.

If you want to avoid processed foods, you can cook vegetables like zucchini or spaghetti squash until soft and then use a spiralizer or julienne peeler to make long, skinny noodles.

You can also use a spiralizer or julienne peeler on certain vegetables such as carrots, beets, sweet potatoes and cucumbers to create vegetable noodles that are similar in texture to traditional pasta noodles but have fewer carbs and calories.

If you have a spiralizer, you can make homemade noodles out of vegetables like broccoli stems, cauliflower florets, carrots, etc.


In the end, there are two benefits to making you own protein noodles. First, you save money. Second, you get to improve your own health by adding more protein to your diet. This is a win-win for everyone.