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Best High Protein Snacks for Muscle Gain

Protein is one of the most critical macronutrients for muscle gain. It is what helps you build and repair muscles after a workout session. Without enough protein, it will be impossible to build lean muscle mass and you will probably not have much success with your muscle gain efforts. Protein shakes are popular supplements taken to help with this task. But there’s another thing that can be very effective in helping you achieve your goals in the nutrition department: high protein snacks.

Munching On These Tasty Snacks Will Help You Build Muscle

Here are the best high protein snacks for muscle gain. If you’re trying to build muscle, then you need more protein than a sedentary person. That’s because protein is essential for building muscle tissue and recovering from workouts.

To ensure that you’re getting enough protein in your diet, consider snacking on some of these tasty high-protein treats.

  • Nuts and Seeds

Nuts and seeds are packed with nutrients like healthy fats and fiber, but most importantly for our purposes: protein! Almonds, cashews, peanuts and pistachios all contain around 6 grams of protein per serving. Nut butters like peanut butter or almond butter can also be used as a spread on sandwiches or crackers for an extra dose of protein.

  • Greek Yogurt

Greek yogurt is another excellent source of protein due to its thick consistency that makes it very filling. A 6-ounce serving of plain Greek yogurt contains anywhere from 15 to 20 grams of protein depending on the brand, while flavored varieties tend to have less due to added sugars. For example, vanilla flavored Greek yogurt has 17 grams of sugar per serving compared to 12 grams in plain variety — so stick with plain if possible!

Half A Cup of Vegetables And 1 Cup Hummus

Protein is an essential nutrient for building and maintaining muscles. Without enough protein, you may not be able to build muscle as efficiently or effectively. The Institute of Medicine recommends that adults consume 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight per day (about 65 grams per day for someone who weighs 150 pounds).

If you’re trying to gain muscle, you’ll need more than that. A good target is 1 gram per pound of body weight, so if you weigh 150 pounds, you’d need 150 grams of protein daily.

While there are many ways to get enough protein in your diet (such as eating more lean meats), snacking on high-protein snacks is one simple way to make sure you’re hitting your target without having to completely overhaul your diet.

The following 10 snacks are packed with protein and will help keep your muscles growing strong and healthy:

  • Half a Cup of Vegetables and 1 Cup Hummus
  • One Piece of Whole Grain Bread with 2 Tablespoons Peanut Butter (or Nut Butter)

Low Fat Cottage Cheese with Flax Seeds and Walnuts

Cottage cheese is a great source of protein and calcium, but it’s often high in fat. To reduce the amount of saturated fat in your cottage cheese, substitute non-fat Greek yogurt for some of the regular low-fat cottage cheese. It will still have plenty of protein, but less fat than before.

  • Strawberries and peanut butter

A handful of fresh strawberries make a quick snack that is packed with fiber and antioxidants. Add a tablespoon or two of peanut butter to give it more protein, plus some healthy fats to keep you feeling full longer. If you want to add even more health benefits, combine the strawberries with some baby spinach leaves or kale chips (crunchy kale chips are easy to find at most grocery stores).

  • Roasted chickpeas

Chickpeas are loaded with fiber and protein, which will help keep you full longer without adding too many calories. Roast them in the oven until they’re crispy on the outside then sprinkle them with your favorite spices like garlic powder or curry powder for an extra kick!

Raw Almonds and Dried Fruits

The protein in these snacks can help you build muscle and lose weight, according to the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. The protein in almonds is also high quality, meaning your body can easily absorb it. You don’t have to eat tons of raw almonds or dried fruit at once for it to count toward your daily protein intake, either; just about 10 grams per day will do it.

Cottage cheese is another good source of protein that keeps you full for hours after you eat it. It’s also easy to throw into a smoothie or simply enjoy with some sliced fruit. If you’re looking for an easy snack that’s more portable than cottage cheese, try Greek yogurt with fruit, honey and nuts mixed together.

Three Tbsp Peanut Butter AND One Banana

Protein is an essential nutrient for muscle growth, but it’s also one of the most difficult nutrients to get enough of. Protein powders and bars are convenient, but they often contain added sugar and artificial ingredients.

If you’re looking for a quick and easy way to boost your daily protein intake, here are 10 high-protein snacks that are sure to please.

  • Coconut Almond Butter (1 Tbsp)
  • Greek Yogurt (6 oz)
  • Sardines (3 oz)
  • Hummus with Vegetables (2 Tbsp)
  • 3 Tbsp Peanut Butter and One Banana

A Cup of Cottage Cheese with Berries OrPineapple

Cottage cheese is a healthy and filling snack that can be eaten at any time of the day. It’s an excellent source of protein, which helps build muscle, and it contains all nine essential amino acids your body needs to function properly.

A cup of cottage cheese contains about 15 grams of protein. If you’re looking for a snack that will provide a slow release of energy, cottage cheese is your best bet.

Cottage cheese has been shown to reduce hunger for up to three hours after eating it. This makes it ideal as a pre-bed snack that will help you stay lean while helping you sleep better at night.


These “high-protein snack” options will make it easy for you to achieve your muscle-gain goals. From easily portable protein bars and shakes to nutrient-dense nutrient shakes and whole foods, there are plenty of options to help ensure you’re reaching your muscle-building targets. Then, take it a step further by pairing these snacks with a high-quality protein powder that helps you reach your specific goals.