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Can You Get Creatine With No Flavor

Unflavored creatine is harsh and might be unpleasant to consume with water alone, despite being significantly less expensive. Large and uncomfortable to take, creatine capsules can be a particular hassle for those of us who have difficulty taking medications.

There are numerous ways to incorporate creatine into your diet, just like with other supplements. In this article, we’ll go through a number of mixing possibilities for either unflavored or poorly-flavored creatine, but first, let’s look at creatine as a supplement to understand how it works and how it might help people trying to grow muscle.

Yes you can get creatine with no flavor. Creatine comes with different flavors and also with no flavor.


A popular dietary supplement that can take your exercises to the next level is creatine. Many people hold the false belief that the only thing that causes you to grow is the use of creatine.

This is accurate for the first two weeks since you will acquire some water weight right away because your body will retain more water. Creatine, on the other hand, works as a supplement by boosting the strength of your muscle contractions by supplying your muscles with energy, as well as by reducing tiredness and recuperation time.

You can lift more weight for longer and return to the gym sooner if you have stronger muscular contractions and a faster rate of recovery. Any vitamin or supplement store will have a range of tastes and kinds of creatine available. Unflavored creatine can definitely appeal to your money because, as was already mentioned, flavoured creatine can be somewhat pricy.

What Can Be Added to Creatine

The crucial moment has arrived. You can combine your creatine with the following items to make it more tolerable:


Come on, water is obviously the top choice. Mix it with your creatine and drink it straight from the tap or your BRITA filter. Simply add enough water to dilute creatine if it is unflavored or the flavour doesn’t appeal to you.

Since creatine draws water from the bloodstream and into the muscles, increasing your need for water, it should really be taken with roughly 1L of water.

When taking creatine supplements, especially during workouts, it’s important to drink plenty of water to avoid feeling faint or lightheaded. And believe me, feeling suddenly lightheaded while squatting beneath a bar with big plates on it is really uncomfortable.


The most common ingredient to combine creatine with is definitely fruit juice. Juice not only improves the flavour of creatine, but it also contains carbs, which research has shown can boost creatine absorption by as much as 60%. Fruit juice is a terrific method to get your creatine fix if you’re looking for both taste and effectiveness.

However, if you consume creatine every day and mix it with juice, be careful to control your calorie intake. Juice has a high sugar content, which might be detrimental to your diet.

Another short warning: Never combine citrus juice and creatine. Citrus juice can break down creatine and transform it into a substance called creatinine, which effectively renders it useless to your muscles.


Pre-workout supplements are substances made to offer you energy, mental clarity, and a bigger pump in the gym. Feel free to mix your creatine with any pre-workout supplements you are using in addition to your diet. Most pre-workouts taste very good and are typically loaded with sugar for an energy boost.

As previously mentioned, pre-workout and creatine pills both increase your thirst, so be sure to drink enough water when taking them. Creatine draws water from the bloodstream and injects it directly into your muscles, leaving you dehydrated. Pre-workout supplements can also have a diuretic impact.

To be adequately hydrated, it’s recommended to consume 1 glass of water for every 15 minutes of exercise, so keep that in mind, especially when utilising supplements like these.

Nutritional shake

There’s a decent probability that if you take creatine, you’re also adding protein powder to your diet as a supplement. Many various flavours of protein powder are available. Protein shakes are frequently combined with milk to give them a creamy consistency and improve the flavour.

Feel free to mix your creatine into your protein shake if you can locate a protein powder with a flavour you truly enjoy that is also high in macronutrient value. These are excellent for ingestion in the morning or after exercise.

Weight Gainer

Feel free to mix your creatine with your weight gainer supplements, same like you can mix creatine with protein smoothies. The majority of weight gainers are loaded with carbohydrates, which will not only help you meet your protein and caloric macronutrient requirements but also effectively use the creatine for muscle growth.

On the other hand, using a mass gainer supplement will work against you if you’re attempting to lose weight because it will cause your body to have an excess of calories. Your body will store additional calories as fat rather than muscle if you consume more calories than you expend.

Final Reflections

When used properly, creatine is a terrific supplement that can really give your exercises a boost, help you break through plateaus, and help you accelerate growth. There are many other ways to include creatine into your diet than drinking water.

Try out different combinations, make sure you’re drinking enough water, keep an eye on the calories in whatever you’re mixing it with, and stay away from citrus juice. The iron will take care of the rest. So combine, re-mix, and start pumping out those reps! You’ll undoubtedly observe the outcomes.