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Does Whey Protein Make You Pee More

Whey protein is a major topic of discussion among people who are looking to get ripped. It’s important to understand what happens when you take whey protein and how it affects your body. Does whey protein make you pee more as some claim or is that just an exaggeration? I’m going to be honest and tell you in my opinion, whey protein doesn’t make you pee more.

Does Whey Protein Make You Pee More?

Whey protein is a protein supplement made from the cheese-making process. It comes in a powder and is typically added to smoothies and shakes. The most common type of whey protein is whey protein isolate, which is at least 90 percent protein with minimal lactose (milk sugar) and fat. Whey protein concentrate has a lower percentage of protein but more carbohydrates and fat.

Whey may be one of the best supplements for muscle gain, but there are some potential side effects you should know about, including increased bowel movements and bloating.

Protein makes you pee more

  • The increase in urine production can be attributed to your body’s digestion of proteins. As you digest more protein, your kidneys excrete more nitrogen as waste. To remove this nitrogen waste, your kidneys produce more urine. This means that taking whey will increase the amount you pee in a day.
  • According to one study, consuming 70 grams of whey protein per day led to an increase in total daily urination by about 20 percent. However, because this was an acute study, it’s not clear whether long-term intake will have the same effect.

Who Shouldn’t Use Whey Protein?

In a professional tone: If you have kidney disease, or you’re allergic to dairy, it’s best to avoid whey protein. For these people, it’s important to keep in mind that whey is a byproduct of the cheese-making process.

Milk is coagulated and then separated into two components: solid curds and liquid whey. Whey contains much of the lactose in milk, so if you’re lactose intolerant, it may be beneficial to try a lactose-free whey protein powder.

If you have a sensitivity to dairy or even just an upset stomach after consuming dairy products like yogurt or cheese, your symptoms may be caused by lactose intolerance or casein protein sensitivity.

  • Lactose intolerance is a digestive disorder that causes diarrhea and bloating when consuming foods containing lactose (milk sugar).
  • Casein protein sensitivity occurs when your body perceives casein—another type of protein found in dairy—as harmful. This results in an immune system response, resulting in symptoms such as skin rashes or digestive distress.
  • If you have either of these sensitivities, you may wish to try one of the many dairy-free alternatives available today.
  • Soy protein has become more popular lately because of its high fiber content.

Whey Protein Side Effects

One of the most common whey protein side effects is increased urination. Because whey protein powder is derived from dairy, individuals who are lactose intolerant may experience stomach discomfort and increased bathroom usage after consuming it.

If you experience abdominal pain and diarrhea after eating or drinking anything containing lactose, consult your doctor before adding whey protein to your diet. If you don’t have a problem with lactose and still experience increased urination after consuming whey protein, you should also consult your doctor.

Best Time to Take Whey Protein

The best time to take whey protein is before and/or after your workout. The reason for this is that these are the times when your body needs protein the most. Aside from taking whey protein, it’s a good idea to eat lots of protein-rich foods throughout the day.

Whey protein has been shown to have many beneficial effects on health. It can lower blood pressure, improve insulin sensitivity and reduce the risk of heart disease.

There are also studies showing that whey may help increase muscle mass and strength while decreasing fat mass and body weight. Whey is a complete source of all amino acids, including the branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs) leucine, isoleucine and valine.

These BCAAs are important for building muscle, so they’re particularly important for athletes who want to increase their strength or recover faster after workouts

How much whey protein you need depends on your goals. If you’re looking to lose weight or build muscle, then you should consume at least 0.7 grams of protein per pound (1 gram per kg) of bodyweight daily. This amount is sufficient for most people who exercise regularly but aren’t trying to build large amounts of muscle mass.

How Much Water Should I be Drinking?

When you’re pumping iron, the last thing you want to do is lose muscle mass, but that’s exactly what happens when you exercise without sufficient fluids. Water makes up 70-75% of muscle tissue, and a lack of water leads to dehydration.

Lose too much water and your body starts to lose electrolytes, and that’s when you run into problems like muscle cramps, dizziness, and even fainting. So even if you’re not thirsty, it’s important to drink plenty of fluids before, during, and after your workout—and it should go without saying that this is also important for any other time in your life!

The amount of water you need varies depending on factors like weight and activity level; the Institute of Medicine recommends about 3 liters (roughly 13 cups) for men every day and 2.2 liters (about 9 cups) for women daily. If you’re exercising regularly or living in a warm climate, those numbers are likely to be higher.

The best way to figure out how much water is right for you is to look at the color of your urine. A pale straw color means you’re well-hydrated; the darker it gets.

Last Words

In general, studies have found that supplementing with whey protein is safe for most people and effective for muscle building. Whey has a range of benefits and side effects, but it’s overall very safe based on the number of studies conducted. What’s more, it may even have some positive impacts on health unrelated to muscle building. Overall, whey protein is a great addition to any diet, and it can boost your gains at the gym.