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How Many Calories In Vegan Burger?

Veganism is a rapidly growing lifestyle choice for many people around the world. The vegan diet has been associated with numerous health benefits, including reduced risk of heart disease, cancer, and diabetes, as well as improved digestion, and weight loss. One of the most popular vegan foods is the vegan burger. Vegan burgers are made from plant-based ingredients and are a great alternative to traditional meat burgers. If you’re wondering how many calories are in a vegan burger, this article is for you.

What is a Vegan Burger?

A vegan burger is a burger that is made entirely from plant-based ingredients. Instead of using meat, the patty is typically made from a combination of vegetables, legumes, grains, and/or soy protein. Vegan burgers come in many different varieties, from classic veggie burgers to more complex creations that use unconventional ingredients like jackfruit or mushrooms.

Many vegan burgers are designed to mimic the taste and texture of traditional meat burgers, and some people argue that they can be just as delicious. Vegan burgers are a great option for people who want to reduce their consumption of animal products or follow a plant-based diet.

How Many Calories are in a Vegan Burger?

The number of calories in a vegan burger can vary widely depending on the ingredients used to make the patty and the toppings that are added. However, most vegan burgers contain fewer calories than traditional meat burgers.

A typical vegan burger patty contains between 100 and 200 calories. However, this number can vary widely depending on the size of the patty and the ingredients used to make it. For example, a vegan burger made from lentils and vegetables will have a different calorie count than one made from soy protein.

When it comes to toppings, the number of calories in a vegan burger can quickly add up. Popular toppings like avocado, vegan cheese, and vegan mayo can each add an additional 100 calories or more to your burger. If you’re trying to keep your calorie intake in check, it’s important to be mindful of the toppings you choose.

It’s also worth noting that many vegan burgers are served on high-calorie buns. A typical burger bun contains between 120 and 180 calories, which can quickly add up if you’re not careful. To reduce the number of calories in your vegan burger, you can try swapping the bun for a lettuce wrap or a whole-grain bun.

Vegan Burger Calories by Type

As mentioned earlier, the number of calories in a vegan burger can vary widely depending on the ingredients used to make it. Below, we’ll break down the calorie count of some of the most popular types of vegan burgers.

Classic Veggie Burger

The classic veggie burger is a staple of the vegan diet. It’s typically made from a combination of vegetables, grains, and legumes, and can be seasoned with a variety of spices and herbs. A typical veggie burger patty contains around 150 calories.

Beyond Burger

The Beyond Burger is a popular plant-based burger that’s designed to mimic the taste and texture of traditional meat burgers. It’s made from a combination of pea protein, rice protein, and mung bean protein, and contains 270 calories per patty.

Impossible Burger

The Impossible Burger is another plant-based burger that’s designed to mimic the taste and texture of traditional meat burgers. It’s made from soy protein and contains 240 calories per patty.

Black Bean Burger

The black bean burger is a popular vegan burger that’s made from a combination of black beans, vegetables, and grains. A typical black bean burger patty contains around 120 calories.

Chickpea Burger

The chickpea burger is another vegan burger that’s made from legumes. It’s typically made from chickpeas, vegetables, and spices, and contains around 150 calories per patty.

Mushroom Burger

The mushroom burger is a vegan burger that’s made from mushrooms, vegetables, and grains. A typical mushroom burger patty contains around 100 calories.

Lentil Burger

The lentil burger is a vegan burger that’s made from lentils, vegetables, and grains. A typical lentil burger patty contains around 120 calories.

Tofu Burger

The tofu burger is a vegan burger that’s made from tofu, vegetables, and grains. A typical tofu burger patty contains around 150 calories.

As you can see, the calorie count of vegan burgers can vary widely depending on the ingredients used to make them. However, most vegan burgers contain fewer calories than traditional meat burgers.

Tips for Making a Low-Calorie Vegan Burger

If you’re looking to make a low-calorie vegan burger, there are a few things you can do to reduce the number of calories in your burger:

  1. Choose a low-calorie patty: Opt for a patty made from legumes or vegetables, as these tend to be lower in calories than those made from soy protein.
  2. Go easy on the toppings: While toppings like avocado, vegan cheese, and vegan mayo can add flavor to your burger, they can also add a lot of calories. Try using smaller portions of these toppings or skipping them altogether.
  3. Choose a low-calorie bun: Instead of a traditional burger bun, try using a lettuce wrap or a whole-grain bun, which tend to be lower in calories.
  4. Add vegetables: Adding vegetables like lettuce, tomato, and onion can add flavor and texture to your burger without adding a lot of calories.
  5. Use low-calorie condiments: Opt for low-calorie condiments like mustard or salsa instead of high-calorie options like ketchup or mayo.

Last Words

In conclusion, vegan burgers are a great alternative to traditional meat burgers for those who follow a plant-based diet or are looking to reduce their consumption of animal products. While the number of calories in a vegan burger can vary widely depending on the ingredients used, most vegan burgers contain fewer calories than traditional meat burgers. To make a low-calorie vegan burger, choose a low-calorie patty, go easy on the toppings, choose a low-calorie bun, add vegetables, and use low-calorie condiments.