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How Much Protein is in 3 Chicken Tenders

Protein is one of the three essential macronutrients that are the building blocks of life. Each gram of protein contains 4 calories, meaning that you should be eating at least 0.75 grams of protein per pound of body weight. If you’re building a bulkier physique, aim for about 1.5 grams per pound or more. And if you’re working to get lean, try for about 0.5 grams per pound.

How Much Protein Is In 3 Chicken Tenders?

3 to 4 chicken tenders have about 11 grams of protein. 100 Grams of chicken tenders contains 18 grams of protein.

Chicken is one of the most popular types of meat consumed in the world, and it’s not hard to see why. It’s inexpensive, readily available and versatile enough to be incorporated into just about any meal or recipe. Not only that, but it can also provide a great source of lean protein — which helps keep you full and energized throughout the day.

Nutritional Information for 3 Chicken Tenders

Nutritional Information for 3 Chicken Tenders

  • Calories: 240
  • Fat: 12g (4g Saturated Fat)
  • Carbohydrates: 0g
  • Protein: 11g
  • Sodium: 600mg

What Are The Health Benefits Of Chicken?

Chicken is a staple in many American diets. It’s cheap, it’s easy to cook, and it’s versatile. It’s also extremely low in fat and cholesterol.

Chicken is a great source of protein, with one 3-ounce serving providing about 27 grams of it. The protein in chicken is made up of a combination of amino acids that are essential for human health.

The high-quality protein in chicken provides many benefits:

  • Helps you feel full and satisfied after eating.
  • Can help you build muscle mass.
  • Is important for maintaining good bone health because it helps keep calcium from being excreted by the body into the urine.
  • Helps keep blood pressure levels normal by helping to lower blood fats called triglycerides which can cause atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries).

Each of the three chicken tenders has between 11 and 15 grams of protein, depending on their size.

Each of the three chicken tenders has between 11 and 15 grams of protein, depending on their size.

Chicken tenders are a type of prepared chicken that is often fried and served as an appetizer or snack food. They are usually made from chicken breast meat, but they can also be made from dark meat or other parts of the bird. The exact amount of protein in each piece depends on its size, but with just three pieces you’ll get between 30 and 45 grams of protein

If you eat 3 chicken tenders and have the rest of your meals throughout the day contain 25 grams of protein, you will be getting 75 grams of protein.

Chicken tenders are a good way to get protein without getting too many calories. They are also a good source of iron, zinc and B vitamins.

If you eat 3 chicken tenders and have the rest of your meals throughout the day contain 25 grams of protein, you will be getting 75 grams of protein. This is not a lot of protein for an entire day, but it is a good start to your meal plan.

The amount of protein in chicken tenderloins varies depending on the cut and thickness. A 3-ounce serving contains about 22 grams of protein. If you eat three servings per day, that’s 66 grams of protein each day, which is more than enough for most people’s daily needs.

Anything above 20 grams is considered a high-protein meal.

Anything above 20 grams is considered a high-protein meal. Protein is essential for building muscle mass and maintaining it as you age. It’s also important for keeping your metabolism up so that you can burn more fat in between meals.

A 2015 study published in “Nutrition Journal” found that consuming more than 1 gram of protein per kilogram of body weight per day was associated with greater weight loss than those who didn’t consume this amount or less than 1 gram per kilogram per day.

All three tenders together come to around 100 calories as well as 11-15 grams of fat.

The three tenders together come to around 100 calories as well as 11-15 grams of fat. The chicken breast is about 24 grams of protein and the breaded crust adds another 8 grams. The breading is made from wheat flour, salt, dextrose (corn sugar), spice extractives and paprika.

The chicken breast is about 24 grams of protein and the breaded crust adds another 8 grams. The breading is made from wheat flour, salt, dextrose (corn sugar), spice extractives and paprika.

The chicken breast is about 24 grams of protein and the breaded crust adds another 8 grams. The breading is made from wheat flour, salt, dextrose (corn sugar), spice extractives and paprika.

Last Words

3 chicken tenders contain 9 to 11g of protein. The protein content of 3 chicken tenders is 9 grams higher than the average of meals we analyzed, which is 26.2 grams per 1000 calories.