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How To Do Bent Over Dumbbell Rows


Bent over dumbbell rows are one of the best workouts for developing your back. Through a combination of heavy lifting and targeted muscles you will feel this exercise as each rep burns out your biceps, rhomboids, forearms and back. This is great for building strength for many compound exercises including dead lifts, bent over rows, bench press, chest press and more.

 Let your arms hang down.

Bent over dumbbell rows are an effective way to build the muscles in your back. This exercise can help you improve your posture and make your back more muscular and toned.

To do bent over dumbbell rows, you need two dumbbells. Stand up straight with a dumbbell in each hand by your sides.

Bend forward at the waist until your upper body is parallel to the floor, then raise the weights up toward your chest by bending your elbows. Do not swing or jerk when raising the weights, just raise them slowly as if you were counting to three in your head.

Pause for a second at the top of the movement, then lower them back down until they are hanging straight down from your shoulders again.

 Lift the dumbbells up until they are level with your chest.

The bent over row, also known as the barbell row, is a classic strength training exercise that targets the back, traps and arms. It’s a good lift for beginners or anyone who wants to increase their strength without adding bulk.

The bent over row can be done with dumbbells or a barbell. With dumbbells, you can perform the movement in a standing position or from the floor on one knee. If you opt for a barbell, you’ll need to get into a prone position on an elevated surface such as a bench or box.

The main difference between the two versions is that when using dumbbells, your torso will be more vertical than when doing so with a barbell — but this variation shouldn’t be used by those who have lower back problems.

There are four steps to performing bent over rows:

 Keep your back straight and relaxed, but don’t arch it.

This is a great exercise to isolate your upper back and posterior deltoid muscles. It also works the lower back, hamstrings, glutes, traps and forearms.

How To Do It:

 Make sure your elbows stay close to your sides as you lift the weights.

Bent-over dumbbell rows are an excellent exercise for building up your back muscles. They’re also a great way to work the muscles in your arms, shoulders and even your core.

The bent-over dumbbell row is an exercise that’s often done incorrectly. If you want to get the most out of this exercise, follow these tips:

 Don’t let your shoulders round or shrug as you lift the weights.

Bent over rows are a great exercise for developing the back muscles, particularly the rhomboids. This is an excellent exercise to add size and strength to your back. If you’re looking for an exercise that will give you big lats and traps, then bent over dumbbell rows are a great option!

How To Do Bent Over Dumbbell Rows:


Bent over dumbbell rows are an effective way to work out the muscles in your back, particularly in the lower section of your back. Try doing several sets of these when you work out to maximize the effectiveness of your routine.