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How to Do Curtsy Lunges

Curtsey lunges are used to strengthen the glute muscles, inner thigh muscles and outer hip muscles. It is often used in the rehabilitation of injuries suffered to the upper leg such as that caused by runner’s knee. These type of injuries can be caused by overuse and the curtsy lunge has been found to be very effective for those suffering from these injuries.

 Stand with feet hip-width apart, hands clasped in front of chest.

Step 1: Stand with feet hip-width apart, hands clasped in front of chest.

Step 2: Bend knees until thighs are parallel to the floor, keeping your back straight (don’t let it sag).

Step 3: Keeping your torso upright, lower yourself into a lunge by stepping forward with one leg. Pause for a moment, then return to starting position by pushing off of your front foot and stepping back to center. Repeat on the other side. That’s one rep!

Curtsy lunge is an effective exercise that targets the glutes, quads and hamstrings. It also improves balance, coordination and flexibility. The curtsy lunge is a great exercise for lower body strength and stability.

Stand with feet hip-width apart, hands clasped in front of chest. Bend knees until thighs are parallel to floor.

Bend right knee and bring right foot in front of left knee (as if doing a curtsy). Press off with left foot to return to starting position. Repeat on other side.

 Step left leg behind right, and lower into a lunge by bending right knee 90 degrees, keeping left leg straight.

Step left leg behind right, and lower into a lunge by bending right knee 90 degrees, keeping left leg straight. Return to start position, and repeat on opposite leg.


Step-ups are another great exercise for the glutes. They work best when done on a box or step that’s 10-12 inches high. Start with both feet on the ground, then step up onto the box with one foot. Lower yourself down slowly until your back knee nearly touches the floor. Then push yourself back up to starting position using your front leg. You can also add resistance by holding dumbbells at your sides, or wearing a weighted vest or backpack filled with books or water bottles.

This exercise is another one of my favorites because they work so many muscles — including your glutes! For this exercise, you need an exercise bench or chair that has a flat seat (no rounded edges). Sit down on the chair with one foot on the floor in front of you. Then lift up your other leg so it’s bent at 90 degrees and place it on top of the seat next to your hipbone (not under it).

 Pause for 1 second then return to start.

The curtsy lunge is one of the best exercises for working your glutes. It’s also a great way to get the benefits of a squat without putting any pressure on your knees or lower back.

Step 1: Stand with your feet hip-width apart, holding a light dumbbell in each hand. Bend your knees and sit back into a deep squat position, lowering your body until your thighs are parallel to the floor. (Or, if this is too difficult, stop when your hips are at 90 degrees.)

Step 2: Push through your heels and stand up while simultaneously stepping forward with one foot into a curtsy lunge position. Bring back the other leg so you’re standing in a staggered stance with both feet in front of you.

Step 3: Pause for 1 second then return to start by stepping back into a deep squat position and then returning to standing position.

 Do 15 reps on one side then repeat on the other side.

1. Stand with your feet hip-width apart, arms at your sides. Push your hips back as if you were about to sit in a chair, keeping your knees soft and chest tall.

2. Bend both knees 90 degrees and lower into a curtsy lunge by bending both knees until they touch the floor (if you can’t bend that far, just squat until your thighs are parallel to the ground).

3. Push through both heels to stand up and return to starting position.

Curtsy lunges work different muscles than regular lunges

Curtsy lunges work different muscles than regular lunges. They are great for developing your glutes and hamstrings, but they also work your quadriceps and calves.

How to Do Curtsy Lunges:

1. Stand with your feet together and place your hands on your hips.

2. Step your right foot behind you until you feel a stretch in the hip of the back leg (the one without weight). Make sure to keep your knee aligned with the second toe of the front foot and stay tall through the spine.

3. Slowly bend both knees until both legs are parallel to the floor, then slowly rise back up to standing position and repeat on other side.


If you want to add variety to your workouts without increasing the intensity too much, try adding curtsy lunges to the mix. They don’t require much space and they can be done nearly anywhere—just make sure that you finish with a jog in place or brisk walk on the spot to get your heart rate back up.