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How to Draw Food

Food is one of the most beautiful subjects you could ever want to draw. The way light bounces off its surface, the textures and shapes it has, it all makes for a fantastic artistic experience and a great subject to draw. Much like any subject, food can be very easy or difficult, depending on the type you are depicting.

Here’s a lesson from an artist’s perspective on how to draw food so that you too can master the utmost satisfying pastime of putting something into your mouth (two somethings if it has peanut butter).

Choose The Food You Want to Draw and Figure Out How It Is Made Up Of Basic Shapes

Drawing food is not just a fun art project; it can also be a great way to practice your drawing skills. If you want to learn how to draw food, start with simple shapes, such as circles and squares. Then add more detail as you go along.

Here are some tips on how to draw food:

  • Choose the food you want to draw and figure out how it is made up of basic shapes. This is especially important if you’re looking to make something realistic. For example, if you’re drawing an apple, think about how it’s made up of different pieces (such as the stem and leaves) and try to break down those pieces into simple shapes that can be drawn individually first before adding them all together in one piece.
  • Draw out each piece separately before adding them together into one drawing. This will help keep things organized so that nothing gets mixed up in the process.
  • Use a ruler or straightedge when possible to help keep lines straight when drawing small details like eyes or noses on faces, which can otherwise be tricky at times!
  • Pay attention to shadows too! They’re an important part of getting an accurate representation of what you’re drawing in real life because they can help show depth and perspective when done right!

Draw The Shape of The Food. Use Guidelines to Help Get The Proportions Right.

Drawing is a great way to express yourself and practice your skills. There are many different ways to draw, but you can start with simple shapes and practice them over and over again.

Food is an excellent subject for drawing because it’s so colorful, so varied and so tasty! But before you get started, make sure you have a good pencil or pen for sketching.

Here are some tips for drawing food:

  • Draw the shape of the food first. Use guidelines to help get the proportions right. For example, if you’re drawing a hamburger, you’ll want to make sure that all of the parts are in proportion — that is, that they look like they fit together in real life.
  • Make sure all of your lines are smooth and flowing; don’t hesitate or drag when making them! If you’re having trouble making clean lines, try drawing over a piece of paper until you get better at it!
  • If you think your lines aren’t straight enough yet (or at all), practice by tracing over them with an eraser so that they stay behind on your paper.

How to Draw Food

Drawing food can be a fun way to practice your skills, whether you are a beginner or an expert artist. You can draw a single dish or an entire meal, but it is important that you take the time to practice and learn how to draw food realistically. This will help you create works that look like they came right out of the kitchen!

Step 1: Start With a Sketch

The first step when drawing food is to sketch out what you want to draw. This can be done with pencil on paper or with graphite on canvas. If you are using pencil, make sure that you have an eraser handy so that you can correct any mistakes that appear as you work.

Step 2: Add Details

Once your sketch is complete, add details such as color and highlights. You may want to use colors similar to those found in real life or choose colors that complement one another well. Make sure that your colors blend well together so that your artwork doesn’t look patchy or unfinished.

Draw In Any Missing Details and Erase Any Unnecessary Lines

Now that you’ve added all the highlights and shadows, it’s time to add some depth to your drawing. As you can see in this image, the shadows are much darker than the highlights, so you need to take that into account when adding them.

To draw shadows on your food drawing, use a pencil with a very soft lead. It doesn’t matter what kind of paper you use, because you’ll be erasing it later on anyway. In fact, I like to use tracing paper when I’m working on very detailed drawings like this one because it’s easier to see through than regular paper when I’m trying to make sure my shading is perfect!

Finish by Shading Your Drawing with Crayons Or Color Pencils, Or Adding Color On A Computer.

Drawing food is a relaxing activity that can be done with crayons, markers or colored pencils. Use your imagination to create a simple drawing of your favorite food.

Drawing Food

Draw a circle for the head of the pancake and add two short lines for the arms. Draw two small circles on either side of the face to represent the eyes. Draw a triangle below each eye for the mouth and nose. Draw a line from each corner of the mouth down to form the chin and neck area.

Draw a curved line across each eye to create eyebrows, then draw two curved lines on either side of the face for cheeks. Finish by shading your drawing with crayons or color pencils, or adding color on a computer.


Once you know the basic shapes (or simple geometric formulae) for drawing household objects, it’s a matter of figuring out how to draw the object. Some things (like hamburgers) can be easily figured out with a bit of research and practice.