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How to Make Pea Protein Powder

Pea protein powder is a very good source of protein for vegetarians and vegans who don’t eat animal-based products. Unfortunately, pea protein itself doesn’t taste great – there are many factors that affect its taste, from the farming process to storage. Pea protein powder is a great alternative to whey or soy protein powders. It’s made from yellow peas (a legume) that have been ground into a fine powder. It has a mild taste and blends well into smoothies, baked goods and other recipes.

Why should you use pea protein powder

It’s vegan-friendly! Pea protein is made from yellow peas, which are legumes, making it an excellent choice for those following a plant-based diet. It’s also free of lactose and cholesterol (unlike whey protein).

It’s high in amino acids! Pea protein contains all the essential amino acids includingleucine which helps build muscle after exercise. It’s low in carbs,while most plant-based proteins are high in carbs, pea protein has only 5g carbs per serving compared to whey or soy which have 7g carbs per serving.

Get some pea flour

Get some pea flour. Pea protein powder is made by grinding up peas, which are legumes. You can buy pea protein powder online or at a health food store.

  • Mix the pea flour with water.
  •  Mix 2 tablespoons of the ground peas with 1 cup of water in a blender to form a paste.
  • Add more water if needed to reach this consistency.
  • Strain the mixture through cheesecloth or a fine mesh strainer into a bowl to remove any lumps or chunks that may have formed during blending. You should be left with about 1/4 cup of liquid that should be a yellow-green color and smell like peas (they might also smell like grass).
  •  Pour this liquid into your jar and store it in the fridge for up to two weeks.

Put the pea flour in a container

Put the pea flour in a container and add water.Stir with a spoon until you get a smooth mixture with no lumps.Pour into a mesh strainer and rinse with cold water until all of the starch is washed out of the pea flour.Strain again, this time using a cheesecloth so that none of the powder passes through.Wring out as much liquid as possible from your dry mix, using your hands if necessary.

Put the lid on the container, and shake it up

Pea protein powder is one of the more common vegan protein powders. It’s made from dried yellow peas, and has a mild taste that blends well in smoothies and baked goods. It also mixes well with other protein powders.The first step in making pea protein powder is to soak the peas overnight. This activates the enzymes needed for the next step.Next, you’ll need to grind up your soaked peas into a fine flour.

A blender or food processor works best for this step, but you can also use a mortar and pestle if needed.To make 1 cup of pea protein powder, add ¼ cup of ground peas to a container along with 1 cup of water and place it in the refrigerator overnight (or at least 12 hours). The longer you let it sit, the easier it will be to blend later on.


  1. Place the peas in a blender and blend for about 15 seconds, or until the peas are ground into a fine powder. You can also use a food processor for this step.
  2. Sift the ground peas through a mesh strainer or cheesecloth to remove any remaining skin or other pieces that did not grind properly. If you do not have a mesh strainer or cheesecloth, you can skip this step and just use what you have ground up so far.
  3. Transfer the ground peas to an airtight container and store in the refrigerator for up to 3 days or in the freezer for up to 6 months.

Storage Tips

Pea protein powder is one of the more popular plant-based proteins on the market, and it’s easy to see why. This vegan-friendly, gluten-free powder is a great choice for those looking to get more protein in their diets without sacrificing taste.If you’ve ever considered switching from whey or casein to pea protein, you’ll want to learn how to make pea protein powder before you get started. Here are some tips for making your own to enjoy at home:

Powder can absorb moisture easily, so make sure to store it in an airtight container in the fridge or freezer. This will keep it fresh and prevent any unwanted changes in color or flavor.Prevent clumping by mixing with water first before adding other ingredients like fruit or vegetables. You can also store it in liquid form by mixing it with almond milk or juice instead of water first.

Why use pea protein powder

Some people choose to use pea protein powder because they’re allergic to other types of dairy products or they don’t want to consume animal products at all. Others simply like the taste better than other types of powders available on the market today.Pea protein powder can be used the same way whey protein powder is used: as an addition to shakes or smoothies or even as an ingredient in baked goods and other recipes that call for flour or eggs.

Pea Protein Powder Benefits

Although pea protein powder contains little to no fat, carbohydrates or sugar, it still makes an excellent addition to a balanced diet. When combined with other foods that contain fiber, such as fruits and vegetables, it can help increase feelings of fullness while keeping you leaner. Pea protein also has anti-inflammatory properties that can reduce symptoms associated with conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis.


There are many advantages to using pea protein. It has been shown to be more effective than regular whey protein, and it can help lower blood pressure and improve cholesterol levels. With its great nutritional content, it is a great alternative to whey protein. These are great reasons that you should consider adding pea protein powder to your diet today.