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How To Prepare For Food Shortage In 2023

Food shortage is something that we are all familiar with, especially if you live in a land-locked country. Stocking up food is a smart thing to do, not just for an emergency but also as part of your everyday grocery shopping. Here are some ways you can prepare for food shortage in 2023.

How Has Climate Change Caused Food Shortage?

The world has been experiencing climate change for decades now. And it’s affecting food production in many parts of the world. For example, there have been droughts in Africa, floods in Asia and hurricanes in America. All these events have had an impact on our food security.

There are three main ways in which climate change affects our ability to produce enough food:

Heatwaves – When it gets hotter, crops grow more slowly, and they become more vulnerable to disease and pests.

Droughts – If a region doesn’t receive enough rainfall during its growing season, farmers won’t be able to plant their crops at all and they will go hungry when harvest time comes around.

How are governments preparing for food shortage?

Many governments have started to take concrete actions to prepare for food shortage. For example, China announced that it plans to import more agricultural products such as soybeans and corn from Brazil, Argentina and Ukraine in order to ease domestic shortages caused by adverse weather conditions over the past two years. In addition, China will provide up to 1 billion yuan ($144 million) in subsidies for its farmers who produce soybeans and corn after losing their lands due to severe floods or other natural disasters last year (2019).

How to Prepare for Future Food Shortages.

Food shortage is a huge problem that everyone should be aware of. We have already seen how food shortage can cause a lot of issues in the society and hence it is important to prepare for such situations.

The good news is that there are some steps that you can take to prepare for food shortage in 2023, which we will discuss below.

  • Prepare Your Emergency Supply Kit

It is important that you have an emergency supply kit ready so that you can face any kind of situation. You might have heard about the 72-hour kit, but you need to make sure that it has enough supplies for up to 3 days. This means that you should not just focus on meals but also on other essential supplies such as water bottles and toiletries.

As Long as Basic Human Needs Are In Short Supply, Food Supplies Will Continue To Decline.

In the event of a food shortage, it is important to remember that the body needs only a few things to survive. The most important thing that you can do to prepare for this type of situation is to stock up on non-perishable foods and water.

It may not seem like much, but canned goods such as fruit cocktail and vegetables will be required in order to help your body get all of the nutrients that it needs in order to stay healthy.

It is also important to note that some foods are better than others when it comes to survival situations. Foods like peanut butter and jelly are great because they are easy to eat on the go and have high calorie content. Canned tuna fish provides protein and can be eaten straight from the can or mixed with other foods such as crackers or breadsticks.

It is also important for you to make sure that you have enough water on hand in order for your body to function properly at all times. If possible, it would be best if you could stockpile bottled water in case of an emergency situation where tap water was no longer available or clean enough for consumption by humans.

The Best Way to Prepare for Food Shortage Is To Grow Your Own Food, And Start Now.

The best way to prepare for food shortage is to grow your own food and start now.

  • Growing your own food is the most effective way to be prepared for a food shortage and economic collapse. You can easily grow vegetables, fruits, herbs and more in small spaces around your house and even in containers on your balcony or patio.
  • Growing your own food also gives you more control over what goes into it. For example, if you want organic produce, you can simply avoid buying non-organic products at the grocery store or farmer’s market. However, if you want organic produce but no one around you has any organic plants at all, then it kind of defeats the purpose of growing organic food doesn’t it?

Successful Container Growing Requires Proper Special Planning And Timing.

The growing season for vegetables is from April to October, with the most favorable months being May, June and July. The best time to transplant seedlings is in the late afternoon or early evening. This gives the plants a chance to establish their roots before they are exposed to the elements.

If you’re growing tomatoes, peppers, eggplants and cucumbers in containers, make sure you choose at least an 8-inch pot so that you can fit several plants in each pot. Fill the bottom of your pots with potting soil, then add your seeds or seedlings. Add more soil until it reaches within 1 inch of the rim of your pot and water thoroughly.

To give your plants enough space to grow without crowding one another out, stagger them by adding one plant every couple weeks or so. If you’re growing tomatoes or other large plants, keep them staked with stakes for support as they grow taller than twelve inches tall.

  • Watering Your Container Plants

Proper watering is essential for successful container gardening. Water regularly but don’t overwater as this can cause root rot or other problems with your plants’ roots if left too long between waterings (which may lead to yellowing leaves).


In order to get the most out of your limited resources, it’s important you become an informed gardener. For a number of reasons, saving seeds, growing plants in containers, keeping a compost pile, knowing how to process and preserve food properly, and having a basic knowledge of edible plants can all be very helpful skills.