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Is A Hotdog A Sandwich?

“Is a hotdog a sandwich?” It’s a question that has plagued mankind for decades, but thankfully a series of brave and independent thinkers have gone above and beyond to uncover the truth. Unfortunately, all accounts indicate that the reality is not very appetizing. Most sources agree that a hot dog is in fact not a sandwich, however there are exceptions.

Yes Hotdog is a Sandwich. The definition of sandwich includes 2 or more slices of bread and food in the center and physically Hotdog has 2 slices with filling of food in the center. So Hotdog can be called a Sandwich.  

Hot Dogs Are Something You Can Put in A Bun, But They Aren’t A Sandwich.

Yes and no. Hot dogs are something you can put in a bun, but they aren’t a sandwich.

The U.S. government says so. According to the USDA, a sandwich must have two slices of bread, at least one of which is split (like an open-faced sandwich). If it’s just one piece of bread and whatever is on top or inside, it’s not a sandwich, it’s just food.

So, you could technically call any hot dog “a sandwich” if you wanted to be really pedantic about it, but that would be silly because that would mean anything from a taco to an egg roll to a kebab would also be considered “a sandwich.”

That said, there’s more than one definition of “sandwich” in common usage today. The Oxford English Dictionary defines a sandwich as “two thin pieces of bread with meat or other filling between them,” which means a hot dog qualifies as such — but so does most other fast-food fare like burgers and French fries.

Urban Dictionary defines it as “two pieces of bread with meat or veggies inside.” This definition is much broader — most things could be described as being between two pieces of bread!

It Is Entirely Possible For A Person To Eat A Ham And Cheese Sandwich And A Hotdog In The Same Day.

It’s entirely possible for a person to eat a ham and cheese sandwich and a hotdog in the same day. They’re both sandwiches. The question is not whether they are sandwiches, but whether the word “sandwich” means anything at all.

The word “sandwich,” like the words “car” or “chair,” has multiple meanings. It can refer to any two things that are sandwiched together, such as meat and cheese on bread or meat between two slices of bread. But when we say someone is eating a sandwich, we mean they’re eating two pieces of bread with something between them — typically, lunchmeat or cheese.

So it’s possible for one person to eat both a hotdog (a single piece of bread with some meat in it) and a ham-and-cheese sandwich (two pieces of bread with something between them) at once; but if you’re asking whether there’s any circumstance under which both things could be considered sandwiches, then no — there isn’t.

In Some Tournaments, Despite Having Different Names, “Hot Dog Eating Contest” And “Sandwich Eating Contest” Are Two Separate Events.

In some tournaments, despite having different names, “hot dog eating contest” and “sandwich eating contest” are two separate events.

  • In other tournaments, they’re combined into one event.

Here’s the thing: A hot dog is not a sandwich. The problem with the question is that it conflates two distinct issues — whether or not something can be eaten quickly (or at all), and whether or not it should be considered a sandwich under some definition of that word.

First off, let’s talk about sandwiches. In common usage, the term refers to any food item made out of two pieces of bread with something inside them — usually meats, vegetables or cheese. But this is just one definition of the word. There are many others from around the world that define a sandwich as being made on flatbreads or rolls (see Wikipedia’s entry on “English sandwiches”).

The second issue here is how fast or easy it is to eat something. Some things are hard to eat quickly because they’re large enough that you need both hands to hold them together while you chew them up — like hamburgers and hot dogs. Others are difficult because they require special preparation techniques before they can be consumed — like sushi rolls or burritos.

Sandwiches Are Meant to Feature Two Slices Of Bread, Not One.

The short answer is no. A hot dog is not a sandwich. It is a hot dog.

Now, if you want to get technical about it, there are two ways to define the word “sandwich.” The first definition is “two slices of bread with something in between them.” This would mean that a hot dog is a sandwich because it has two slices of bread on either side of the meat. But this definition also includes hamburgers and tacos as sandwiches, which they clearly aren’t.

The second definition says that a sandwich must have at least three layers (the bottom layer being the bread). This excludes the hot dog because it only has two layers: meat and bun.

There’s another problem with calling a hot dog a sandwich: Sandwiches are meant to feature two slices of bread, not one. For example, when someone orders a burger, they’re not expecting half of it to be just meat on top of another piece of meat; they’re expecting two pieces of bread with meat inside them.

 The sandwich was the name of an 18th century English nobleman who assumed the title Earl of Sandwich in 1762, after whom the food was named.

The sandwich was the name of an 18th century English nobleman who assumed the title Earl of Sandwich in 1762, after whom the food was named.

The bread is the most important part of a sandwich. It should be soft enough to easily bite into, but firm enough that it doesn’t fall apart when you take a bite. The bread can be made from any number of things: egg rolls, tortillas, bagels or buns are all acceptable breads for a sandwich.

If you’re using two different types of breads in your sandwich, make sure they’re compatible with each other. For example, if you’re using a tortilla as your bread, don’t put peanut butter on it because that’s not going to taste very good!

Some people like to use condiments like mayonnaise or mustard on their sandwiches. Others prefer no condiments at all!

If you’re making a meat-based sandwich (like a hamburger) then you’ll need more than just one type of meat on it – maybe even more than one kind of cheese too! This will provide some variety and ensure that every bite is delicious!


Ultimately, hot dogs get a bad rep for being unhealthy and void of nutrition. These factors have no doubt contributed to their infamous “sandwich” debate among many Americans. But if you haven’t had a chance to try one lately or decide for yourself, it might be worth your while to do so someday! If anything, the history lesson alone will be worth your time.