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Should I Take Creatine While Cutting

In the cutting cycle, which is the most important phase for elite bodybuilders, they reduce their fat and carbohydrate intake and increase their protein intake. Careful timing of carbohydrates is essential for sustaining physical activity.

When trying to lose fat while keeping muscle, studies reveal that a weekly fat reduction of 0.5 to 1 percent is safest. Cutting your caloric intake too rapidly or drastically will cause muscle loss. You’ll be less effective in competition because of your slower recuperation time.

Avoid cutting too quickly, as this might cause unnecessary stress on the body. Many body systems, including metabolism, sleep, energy, and focus, might be negatively impacted.

The time frame for cutting ranges from months before a competition to only weeks. Cutting cycles are common practise in the bodybuilding community. Karate, Taekwondo, Jiu-Jitsu, Boxing, and Wrestling are all examples of combat sports.

Yes you should take creatine while cutting. In cutting due to tough workout muscle fiber can be damaged and creatine helps to prevent that.  

What role does creatine play in your weight-loss programme?

It’s something your body creates on its own

Creatine originates from the synthesis of three amino acids: glycine, arginine, and methionine. It gives muscles the fuel they need to perform intense physical activity.

Skeletal muscle is the primary storage organ for creatine. There is also some storage of lesser amounts in your:

• liver

• brain

• kidneys

• pancreas

Getting enough of it requires eating foods rich in it.

It’s recommended that you give your body between 1 and 3 grammes of creatine daily to keep it running smoothly. Muscle requirements and hormones like testosterone dictate your dosage.

High-intensity exercise is a quick way to deplete your creatine stores. To keep your muscles going strong, you’ll have to eat more. Creatine is helpful in replenishing energy stores, and diets high in meat and fish can provide that.

Supplements vary greatly in quality.

For years, top athletes have relied on pre- and post-workout creatine supplements to boost high-intensity power performance, add muscle mass, and speed recovery.

Creatine monohydrate (CM) has been shown in numerous trials to be the most efficient creatine supplement for gaining muscle mass and strength.

The effects go beyond just creatine.

Several things affect cutting success.

Some of these are unique to you as an individual, such as:

  • Many factors contribute to your fitness level, including your genes, your sexual health, your general health, your mental strength (motivation, concentration, and focus), and the amount of exercise you put in.
  • Time and strategy are two other factors that could undermine your efforts. Nutritional timing is just as important as training timing.
  • Supplements like creatine can be helpful, but when and how much you exercise, how quickly or slowly you try to lose fat, and how much you weigh all have a role.
  • According to research, the best results for gaining muscle mass and strength were seen when creatine was taken both before and after resistance training.

Cutting creatine benefits

Strength and power are both improved by supplementing with CM.

Here’s How It Operates

By drawing water into the muscles, creatine helps maintain and protect them while cutting. Strength is increased, and muscle fibres are protected from breakdown.

The importance of hydrating well when cutting is another good reason to do so. During a cutting cycle, it prevents muscle damage or breakdown due to a lack of water.

One study indicated that body fat percentage, muscle strength, and power performance were all enhanced by supplementing with creatine over an intense 4-week training period during the cutting phase.

What is the optimal dose?

Average daily intake is around 20 grammes. Commonly, 20 grammes per day is used by athletes for up to a month as a loading dose. Even though that dose may work, it may not be optimal for achieving the muscle-building effects of creatine. In addition, the suggested dosage is 5 grammes (about 0.3 grams/kg body weight) taken four times day for a period of 5-7 days.

Maintaining your weight may require as little as 3-10 grammes. However, studies have shown that larger athletes may need to ingest as much as 5-10 grammes of creatine per day to maintain their creatine reserves, thus consuming 3-5 grammes per day can aid with maintenance once creatine stores are full.

Using creatine supplements whilst cutting won’t hurt your progress in the least. It may have additional uses besides preventing muscle damage.

Problems and Precautions

Extreme calorie restriction or rapid fat loss are common causes of the unpleasant side effects associated with creatine administration.

Intense dieting that results in rapid weight loss often has negative psychological and physiological effects. Individuals may experience varying degrees of effect.

  • Consequences include nausea and vomiting, which are experienced by many people. Taking 10 grammes of creatine in a single meal during the loading phase of supplementation can lead to diarrhoea and gastrointestinal distress.
  • If you take your 3–5 gramme dose over a longer period of time, you may be able to prevent these side effects.
  • Gaining weight. If you cut your calories too much before a competition, you risk gaining the weight back during the recuperation period.
  • Researchers have found that the following factors are also affected by rapid weight reduction during competition preparation: heart rate, blood pressure, hormone levels, energy levels, and muscle mass.
  • During the reducing or deficit phase, testosterone levels in men may drop. Amenorrhea is the absence of menstrual bleeding and can affect women.


To avoid injury during cutting, consider the following:

  • Expect a more gradual weight loss and prepare accordingly. It’s less risky, and you can keep your muscle mass and energy levels while reducing fat.
  • Protecting your hard-earned muscle mass by eating properly (1.25–1.5 grammes of protein per kilogramme of body weight).
  • Strength, power, and recovery could all benefit from a maintenance dose of 3 grammes CM.
  • The body needs water, so make sure you get plenty.
  • A good night’s sleep is essential to your health and productivity.

In conclusion

The optimal exercise plan for weight loss is complicated and depends on a variety of factors. It is essential that fat loss be effective without jeopardising muscular mass.

If you’re thinking of cutting, safety should be a top priority. Setting short-term weight loss goals can be counterproductive. If you want more muscle strength and stamina, creatine pills may help. It has the potential to help with weight control as well.

Numerous studies have shown that creatine monohydrate is both safe and effective. It helps during workout and recovery by protecting muscles from injury and enhancing their power.

It has no detrimental effects on weight during cutting cycles, which are used to achieve optimal performance in high-level sports.

Always with your doctor, trainer, and coach before beginning a cutting phase to ensure that your weight loss goals are reasonable and that you won’t go too far into deficit. Give details about the drugs you’re taking or planning to take. Moreover, they can aid in the tracking of individual health conditions.